
Eat Pray Art : Prompt PDFs

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Eat Pray Art : Prompt PDFs


This is where you can DOWNLOAD the PDFs (of the Art Prompts) we use at the EAT PRAY ART meetings.

Every week we take a verse from the Bible and use that as an art prompt.

We do artwork (beginner level to advance all are welcome),

Using these FREE resources, you're welcome to start your own meeting in your community doing the same thing.

You're also welcome to join us and others around this time and draw together pray and eat together too!

It's about fellowship and just having a safe space to express the artist God has made you.

A little like the time when women come together like they did in the old days like cottage meetings.

Materials you will need:

1. Watercolors, Crayons, Pastels, Gouache, Pencils

2. Any paper of your choice (handmade paper or watercolor paper if you have it)

3. Pencil

4. ⁠eraser if you need (though I am one of those don’t use an eraser in your artwork types)

After the session if anyone wants to share they can, chat we will say a small prayer over all of us and end the session.

PLEASE NOTE: *These PDFs and Art Prompts are not for commercial use

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